
It took me at least a paragraph to groc "recreate", so you may not be getting the sharpest feedback.

It sounds like you're talking about a specific subsection of recreation, namely: spontaneous auto-recreation.

Some thoughts:

1. I would bet the most popular forms in modern western culture would be: masturbate, have a beer/stiff drink, smoke something. (These are not recommendations, just a guess.)

2. Sounds like you do know how to recreate: your TV, video game examples — but you see them as problematic, so the subtype of the subsection should be: "healthy" spontaneous auto-recreation.

3. Being that this article is book reviews, it's odd that reading isn't one of the options. Pick up whatever fantasy/sci Fi book you're currently enjoying and read 10 pages — what's wrong with that?

4. Defining fun as attention- or accomplishment-dependent, in my opinion, is very problematic. It certainly seems to take the fun out of it. The simple definition should be something akin to joy. Of course fun is not always simple — but I would shift all complex versions of fun into different categories, like fullfillment or something like that.

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1- Perhaps that's my problem I don't do any of those

2- Healthy is probably a useful clarification

3- That is an option, but reading can me sleepy and as this is mostly an end of the day thing, that's not a great mix. Also a do a ton of reading so it's not really a "break".

4- I think you've hit on the problem, and I did specifically say I was broken, which is a near synonym to the word you're using, "problematic".

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"You know how when you’re all done with your work and you say to yourself “Okay! Now it’s time to do something fun!” I don’t know what that something should be. There are things that are restorative, like going for a walk. But I’d like something that is also really enjoyable."

This is nearly every night for me. On the one hand, it's nice to know I'm not alone in this. On the other hand it's disappointing that you don't have a solution.

I'm just finishing reading "Younger Next Year" on your recommendation, fantastic book. Many thanks for recommending it.

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Glad you're enjoying it. And if I come up with a solution for how to recreate I'll let you know.

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May 23Liked by R.W. Richey

Thanks for the reviews - just read The Burnout Society upon your recommendation and found it quite nice.

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